
1st JANUARY,2010.

Goodbye to 2009~cherish our new year~2010~~!
Happy always,lucky always,all the best ! =D

Thanks frenz who sent me a wish! =)
  1. 小文
  2. Manching
  3. Subing
  4. Puiyee
  5. Simyee
  6. Lokeshean
  7. 小敏
  8. V
  9. Tjiayao
  10. 婉香
  11. Chantong
  12. Nymyan
  13. Isabell
  14. Szeguan
  15. Shimin
  16. Kenta
  17. Kumwai
  18. Aiko
  19. Weiying
  20. Esther
  21. Chiaumei
  22. Yeeteng
Thanks you all broke my wishing record. =P
